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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cigarette Smoke Triggers Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer, american lung association, lung cancer symptoms
Biggest killer cancer, namely lung cancer, killing nearly 90% of sufferers, or nearly 30% of all cancer deaths. But really it parulah lung cancer is the most easily preventable. Surver in a few decades shows that the only cause of the majority of lung cancer is cigarette smoke.


Carcinogenic substances (triggers cancer) is contained in cigarettes are:

* Vinyl chloride
* Benzo (a) pyrenes
* Nitroso-nor-nicotine

The only thing more dangerous substances than cigarette smoke in triggering lung cancer is radioactive substances. That is, if eaten or dihidap in sufficient levels.

Effect Lung Cancer

The figure below shows the lung is damaged by cancer. Figure on the right (enlarged) shows the alveoli with cancer.

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